Saturday, March 23, 2013

While you were sleeping

 "what the fuck was that" I was awoken from a deep sleep to these whispered words.

It was at this exact moment I knew Joe had either stepped in Cat vomit or Puppy poo.

We have a new puppy, who really is quite good in the toilet training department, and by saying that I mean if we are outside she will go on the grass.  If she is inside she will go in the house or at the very least on the verandah.  Reminded me a little of my eldest son when he was toilet training.  I threw out so many pairs of jocks straight into the closest bin when he was too busy to poo in the toilet (he would die if he knew I was blogging this). 

So as all good wives do, I pretended to be asleep and let him deal with it.

He hopped back out of the bedroom, yes the poo was right next to his side of the bed, and into the shower, only to realize there was too much poo squished between his toes to just hose it off.  Off he hopped into the toilet to get toilet paper. 

It was at the first wipe that Joe then smelt the poo between his toes.  This is a man who vomits over cotton balls, you can imagine the reaction.  

Wipe poo. Wretch.  "fuck this"

Smell poo.  Wretch.  "fuck this"

Shower poo. Wretch.  "fuck this"

All this time I am pretending to be asleep.

Finally I  feel sorry for him   burst into hysterical laughter and get up to clean the remaining poo off the floor.  Mainly because I can now smell it.  And I am a good wife.