Monday, April 30, 2012

40 something

On Saturday night we welcomed another member to club 40.  It is getting quite popular, with new members joining almost every month.  I am still not happy with my membership but apparently you cannot cancel it, no refunds, no returns. 

The girls had some pre-dinner drinkies in their apartment at the Hilton while i attended tall boys formal.  Can you believe that, grade 12 formal, i also cannot believe when he got out of the limo, before anything else, he came and gave me a kiss and a cuddle.  That must have been so embarrassing, he still did it.  Love you tall boy. 

Anywhoo after pre dinner drinks at formal i headed down the coast, destination Sufferers Paradise, in the blinding rain.  I almost died/turned around at least 6 times, but i knew i would never hear the end of it if i was to do a no show.  In hindsight i wish i had of turned around and just taken the beating from the girls, would have been far better than the 12 hours of staring into my toilet bowl. 

Dinner was at Salt Grill, some famous chef apparently owns it, but i was informed he is probably too busy to cook the food in it, only had his name on all the plates.  Gay.  So my $50 steak and beans was very tasty, add to that the McDonalds fries, yes people they looked and tasted like Micky D fries, the service was ordinary and i think that is why we got the complimentary fries, the bill was almost a grand. Wow.  Miss Cake remover had a discount card, gave us $50 off, we didnt tip, we decided to use the excess money to buy cocktails. This of course was after Miffy made a Japanese visitor with baby and sars mask pose for a photo.  I am sure she went and washed her hands afterwards.

Inga had said a few days before we just had to visit the bar that made molecular modified cocktails.  What ever that means.  Hell yeah i thought.  So we did.  This is when they turn liquid to other stuff like foam or sherbert or smoke i think and we drank a bit of each.  I think this made me sick.  Madonna went home because she is trying to re write the bible and Miffy cleared out also as she feared she might get arrested should she stay out with us.  Goodnight, dont forget the keys.

Off we go.  Avenue.  Beergarden: they clearly didnt know who we were and when Miss bday girl announced we used to drink in that very place when we were 16, he didnt care.  Not one bit.  Arse.
Down Melbas via the Irish bar, we danced here to a really bad band, Inga met a boy.  Enough said. 

Melbas, more drinks and finally home.  All i can say is thank god for Miss cake remover to get me home safely, i dont actually remember getting there.  Smoking apple drink, you are to blame.

Morning after.

I woke up on the floor, i lay there for a minute trying to decide where the fark i was.  I stood up, there are 2 girls in a bed.  Who are they, where the fark am i and where are my shoes. It felt like 15 minutes of walking around this room, trying to figure out what had happened and why was i in a strangers room with no shoes.  Bday girl rolls over. Phew. Familiar face and i hug her.  Where the fark am i?  Adjoining room.  Phew. Everyone is next door, yes this is where i went to bed, somehow i made it to the floor of Bday girls room.  Phew.  And i help put a cake away and may or may not have eaten some horse duvers that had salmon on them and were left out overnight.  Salmon made me sick.

Laugh out loud the next morning hearing the stories of the night.  My god my girls crack me up.  I think the laughing made me sick.  Apparently the apples made Madonna sick and also Miffy who had to stop to retch (not vomit) in the hotel bin.  We are a classy bunch.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A little bit of crazy and a whole lot of love....

Lunch date today with my besties aka charlies angels which was then changed to awesome foursome as there is four of us and not three. 

We have known each other since training bra age, i still wear a training bra when i dont feel the need for a bra with stuffing, anyway it has probably been since we were 13 ish onwards that we have known each other.  There has been gaps in our friendships when we have been off doing other stuff, all the while living in the same state, just doing other stuff, now we are back together and i love that (i know i have probably said this in a previous blog, just want to refresh your memory). 

Get togethers usually mean gifts from someone, last time Miffy lost my gift, although did have Madonna searching Sufferers Paradise to find it without any luck.  So Miffy brings a decoration for our Easter Tree and some lemons.  The chef in the restaurant thought he should bring a bottle of tequila to the table, given the amount of lemons we had.  We dont need tequila.  They found this out after 3 hours of talking and laughing out really loud.  We talk about the funniest things, even the non funny things become funny, I am talking so funny we need a tissue to wipe the tears from our eyes.

Humphrey syndrome is not funny, we should not laugh.

I think there is some confirmed and yet to be confirmed crazy amongst us, I know there is a whole lot of love.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Car Wash

I spent a bit of time vacuuming about 6 tonne of dirt out of my car this afternoon.  Next i thought i would wash my car.  Pack the bucket, the car wash and drive the car around the back near the tank to start washing.  There is not pump on this tank, that is ok, i will just take a bit longer to do it, so what if the water wont run out of the hose when you reach the roof of the car.  Tom wanders over looking for Elvis (who i called Joe in my previous blog) and when i ask him to tell tall boy to come wash my car, he says "if you want it done right, do it yourself" agreed, i am a fan of this saying.  And i was in a car wash kind of mood.

10 minutes later Tom and Elvis come back out to see how i am going.  Not "right" apparently, Tom says bring it over to his house and use the wash bay where he washes his trucks.  Ok, i reluctantly give in and take my little car over.  Tom seriously has a wash bay, with a high pressure hose and special shampoo stuff and a drain under the car.  Tom and Elvis wash my car for me, i sat in the sun and did nothing.  So if you want something done right, start doing it yourself until a better offer comes along.

FYI when you google hot guy washing cars, you are directed to all sorts of gay porn sights. Really. 

Dry spell

So it seems that not only i am going through a blog dry spell.  Madonna, who is a daily blogger, and had i not been going through so much would have noticed earlier, that i hadnt read her blog for some time. Just yesterday i realised i hadnt gone onto her blog, excitedly i went the the bookmark, thinking i have at least 2 weeks to catch up on, nothing, nata, nil.  Madonna is seriously busy with a thesis, yes she is a smart blogger, and has not come up for air/food for some time.  I know she would be having coffee but was concerned about the other, until tonight she puts up a platter her beautiful candian made as a study snack.  So now i know she is eating and well air is a given, or she would be dead.  I will confirm this on Wednesday when the awesome foursome meet for lunch.  I had called us charlies angels, was their 4 of them or 3 (i could google this but i like to have a question, just to check that you are reading). 

So i have left my chair purchase phase and have moved into the cook like a crazy person phase.  This started when i was off for couple of weeks, a couple of weeks ago.  I never have really liked cooking, i mean i will cook if it involves one bowl and up to 4 ingredients.  I think this started with the increasing amount of magazines which are entering my house (smoking was much cheaper).  I am buying recipe mags and other mags that have recipes in them.  I cut out the good ones and glue them into a scrapbook and write notes next to them about stuff i might need to buy which wouldnt always be in the pantry. 

What i have learnt is that the stuff i cook, does not EVER look like the recipe.  I have had some epic fails, and thankyou family  Joe for still saying it tastes ok, the young boys are less forgiving, thats fine, dont eat EVER, see how you like that.  Not only am i cooking, but setting our mini dining table and we are all sitting at it, i was going to light candles tonight but i thought that might be going to fast and would freak everyone out. 

Note that on the box the cakes rise over the top of the case and the icing flows down the sides, also the most ridiculous cake mix i have ever seen, these cakes are about the size of a teaspoon.