Wednesday, May 16, 2012

In the olden days

Do you remember when you wrote letters to friends, you know on paper with a pen, then put them in an envelope and go buy a stamp then put it into the mail box?

I remember you could buy so many nice letter sets, i know i had quite a few when i was younger, i even had a pen pal, she was from Texas and i still have the photo of her family.  They look like axe murderers.  I remember i stopped writing after that photo.

Anywhoo, i have promised a response to a fellow blogger via the way of a letter.  After i read it i felt like it kind of needed an official response, put pen to paper.  I have spent the last 2 days looking for a 'letter set'. I have gone to at least 7 shops and today i found one.  It is perfect.  She will laugh and hopefully put a pic up of it once it has been received. 

Move away from your letter box Miffy, it might not be there until Monday xx.

Monday, May 7, 2012


I had a coffee with one of my girlfriends the other day, an unplanned coffee treat. I was telling her about the stuff i found in my Dads cupboards after he died, how everything was so organised, how he had a giant box of all the Singapore trips put into envelopes and dated as per trip, each envelope held brochures and tickets and just stuff he collected while he was overseas.  I reckon Dad had 12 trips back to Singapore in the last 6 years, his last visit, he got sick and was stuck in bed, very cranky.  He had planned to go back to make up for it and didnt make it.  I will go for him. 

Anyway i told my doctor about it and he suggested OCD.  I asked my Mum if he had always been like this, for as long as i can remember he could pack a car like no other, also the fridge and the cupboards.  He would reorganise mine when he wasnt out creating a stick pile, walking over 5 acres to pick up sticks.  Mum said "your father was just very organised", i tried to tell her he had OCD.  Why would i do that? 

My girlfriend put a post coffee/discussion blog up which to my surprise (not really) she had categorised her holidays also, in almost the exact same way.  I cried.  Not because i was sad for her, but because she shared this with me. It doesnt matter what you do with your holiday stuff, or any stuff for that matter. If you choose to use it as wall paper, then do it, its ok (might consider this).

My Dad was really organised.

My girlfriend has gone through a lot, in fact she was missing for a bit, but has been back for a bit more, while i havent actually gone missing in body like she did, i have gone missing in mind, just a little and she especially  (and not excluding Inga and Madonna) have been my rocks for the last however many months.  Now the big man has helped with drugs and the little man is good with the tibetan bowl, but money cannot buy these girls and their support. I am not going to give myself a label, i dont need to, maybe just a little nuts.