Wednesday, May 16, 2012

In the olden days

Do you remember when you wrote letters to friends, you know on paper with a pen, then put them in an envelope and go buy a stamp then put it into the mail box?

I remember you could buy so many nice letter sets, i know i had quite a few when i was younger, i even had a pen pal, she was from Texas and i still have the photo of her family.  They look like axe murderers.  I remember i stopped writing after that photo.

Anywhoo, i have promised a response to a fellow blogger via the way of a letter.  After i read it i felt like it kind of needed an official response, put pen to paper.  I have spent the last 2 days looking for a 'letter set'. I have gone to at least 7 shops and today i found one.  It is perfect.  She will laugh and hopefully put a pic up of it once it has been received. 

Move away from your letter box Miffy, it might not be there until Monday xx.

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