Friday, July 27, 2012

Mosaic Madness

I came up with this fab idea to create a mosaic tile splash back for my kitchen.  Actually better homes and gardens did and now i am going to do, even Mr J said that was ok, although i have a feeling he is just agreeing with everything at the moment after the Baden Clay threat, or he thinks i have forgotten about the wedding.  So i came up with and even better idea, actually it is based on one of my besties christmas tree, which has a name and i cant remember it, but friends take christmas decorations and put it onto the tree which is stuck to the wall.  Friendship tree? Dont remember. I am thinking that i could ask if anyone is interested to send me a tile, i am looking for something different, antique, vintage, colourful, patterned, whatever.  I am going to create a new splashback and if i get enough cover a table as well.  It could be a long project but i am excited about putting some colour and if i get tiles from others, some love into my kitchen. 

I need to refer back to the not rembering.  Not only can i not remember what the tree is called, i have forgotten large chunks of my life.  I have forgotten stages of when my kids were little, i have forgotten what is was like to have little, this is sad.  Fortunately i have a lot of photos to remind me, but i wonder does this happen to everyone or have i had a stroke and just dont know it?  I guess what is good is that i cant wait to have grand kids, a few years ago i would have stuck a fork in my eye just thinking about it, now i just cant wait, after Mr J asked if we could have more kids so he could fill the house with them, i even thought about it....for a second and then remembered that Mr J has had the snip and i might have to find a suitable doner like Channing Tatum to father a child.  Its ok, i am over it now, i have a kitchen to tile.

So i drove out to Oakey this week to visit a student.  I wrote a list in my iphone, mainly because i was going to write a blog when i got home, i had the popping candy thing going on and i didnt want to forget stuff to blog about.  I forgot to blog, i looked at the list and have forgotten what half of them are. I cant put the list here because it is in a different format and i cant figure out how to put it here so you will have to trust that this is the list:

renovate kitchen - based on the purchase of magazine and coffee in Oakey

road trip - i told Mr J we are just going to get in the car Friday afternoon and then drive
He:  without a plan, you just want to drive, how far and what will we do?
Me:  i can get a map, we can calculate how long it will take us to do an interesting round trip, we can sleep over in dodgy motels and look at stuff we normally wouldnt look at
He: like what?
Me: like the Emu farm at Murgon
He: ok
Me:  you know we could visit all these odd places we drive past and take photos out the front and have a laugh (thinking Baden Clay moment, he is agreeing to everything)

Re invent - i dont know what this was

Painting - now i would love to be able to paint, in my head i can see great stuff, i cant put any ideas on paper but i am sure i could do it

Petas exhibit - my cousin has an opening of her first solo show on Saturday, i am so excited for her and i love her work, i may or may not have bought something already, i hope she takes mates rates

Moving house - dont know what this is, i am not moving, oh wait, i was thinking we could move to Oakey, buy 300 acres for less than what i can sell my house for, i can retire and farm emus to make money, only i am not sure what part of the emus you use

Emu farm - as above

New ring - highlighted in previous blog and now by the time i get it, unless he thinks to pick it up tomorrow before football and suprise me, i might change my mind and get something different

Thats a big list, you can imagine how my head was popping on this day especially with all those hours in the car and a few solo coffee stops.  Then i also think about how i complain about the hours spent in the car for work, yet i want to do road trips.  Odd

In case you want to be part of my mosaic madness send to:
Mosaic Queen
2 Stringybark Rd
Tamborine Q 4270

40 plus and Affogatos

In keeping with the theme of last blog i have given you a couple of random words as a title.  I might add that the last blog had the wrong date on it, i know you all noticed, so if this date comes up wrong also, it is actually Friday the 20 something.  Its closer to August i know this much and i will be soon rolling into my 41st year, my conversation with Mr J today went like this:

He: hey we should do something for your birthday
Me: no i am one year older than 40 and i dont need a reminder, plus all the other beautiful people born in August have hogged the weekends for parties
He:  i dont know what you are worried about, its just a number and you could have something the day after Miss N
Me:  i know but i still dont want to do anything, i cant be bothered, and thats optimistic of you to think i might have my head out of the toilet bowel long enough to celebrate my birthday after Miss N party, no wait, i am not getting drunk again
He: i am going to record you saying all of this so that on the day of your birthday or the weekend near it you are not arriving at your own suprise party i have organised, you cant blow up and say no one does anything for me, plus if i had a dollar for everytime you said you werent getting drunk........
Me:  i am so not going to say that and you would probably only have ten dollars, i hardly ever say that
He:  still recording
Me:  i would be happy to have a nice dinner with my family and have you all at home and dont forget the card, if you dont get me a card, i will blow up
He: ok then
Me:  And while you are at the card shop, go and pick up my ring that we ordered, that has been ready for 2 weeks and i thought you might get it for me as a suprise, well now the wedding ring can also become my birthday present
He:  i was hoping you had forgotten about the wedding thing (looks at me like i am crazy)
Me:  (look at him: yes i am crazy and i will have another wedding unless i find something else to do and then it is all off, sorry girls, i know you had your hearts set on being in the bridal party)

The Affogato is about my dessert i made tonight from the Jamie Oliver cookbook.  It was awesome and so easy and i didnt take a photo of it, so you will have to trust that i actually made it.  Friday i have decided is not only change the bath towels day, it is cook something fancy for dinner.  I like this because for the first four days i am at work and while we still eat nice food, it is all quick stuff and no fancy desserts.  Saturdays are usually take away because we are at footy and Sundays can be a good dinner night also, unless i have ridden the horse all day and i dont give a shit if you eat coco pops for dinner. So think shortbread, chocolate chunks, cherries, ice cream, cream and coffee covered with grated chocolate in a cup.  Yum. Before the dessert we had mustard chicken, dauphonoise and greens.  I had to google Dauphonoise.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Popping Candy and Sara Lee

I have been back at work for 4 days only this week, i am lucky enough to have Fridays off.  A long weekend every week.  Although it always feels really short so i dont know why it is called long.  By day 2 i was trying to figure out how i could go on paid stress leave for 20 years.  Apparently it is not possible, i did consider straight jacket type stuff, surely this would get me a few years.  Should this happen, it is all coincidence. 

Mr J has been cooking all week for us, he baked his very first cake and it was fab, i think he was pretty pleased with himself.  Pork Roast, i know the pork was pre roasted, but he did all the other stuff, it was good, followed by apple pie and custard.  We had a taco incident where he mixed in the salsa and not the taco seasoning.  I couldnt eat that one, not even to be nice. Funny today i can only remember 2 meals and i know we ate food every night. 

I have been waking up at 4am on the dot every morning, going back to sleep, then wake up at 5am to have coffee with Mstr J before he heads of to work.  I feel sad that he has just started his career and has so many years of hard work to go.  If only we could all not work.

This getting up in the dark has thrown me out of whack i think, that and the rain.  I have been saying it is like being up at night, and this morning The Project was on TV, confused or what ! I am thinking too that the out of whackness could be tissue memory.  Mstr E was born today, yes on Black Friday, i remember Mum even tried to talk me out of the caesar on this date 14 years ago. Not me, i live on the edge (mainly the edge of the lounge or the bed with the cats hogging the space).  So my baby is growing up, one is already grown, now this one almost there.

I went back to the gym today.  Wait.  I forced myself back to the gym today.  If they played Masterchef on the TV's i might have looked forward to it.  I hate it.  Not long ago i loved it.  I have about 9 months left on my membership. Whack.

My shower post gym, post groceries was busy.  Not the actual shower process but my head was like popping candy, it jumped from one thought to the next, really fast.  This is why i am writing this blog, i figured if i got it all out, my head would slow down or i might need to inject myself with the valium i keep in the fridge as an emergency should one of my cats or dogs need it. True. In brief this is what i thought about:

  • Why i didnt clean the shower first, i had told myself yesterday i was going to do that today, it is swap towel, clean shower day.
  • Lucious Mango Body Wash.  It really is.
  • Fennel and Figs, they cook with them all the time on Masterchef, i should have bought them when i saw them at Coles before.  Fennel was only $1.  I dont know if that is good, i have never bought it, or noticed it for that matter. 
  • The need for a new leather Pandora bracelet and why didnt i just get one when i was ordering my new wedding ring from the Pandora shop?
  • What i could do for my wedding, and was that completely crazy and can you have another fancy wedding to the same person.  There is a method to my madness, its all about starting fresh. 
  • Dinner parties and what kind of table i need to buy to put in manland.
  • Whether we put a table or a lounge in manland, i figure that i might go in there if it has one of the two, plus we cant have a dinner party in the house because we have a baby dining table.  Sorry 2 guests at a time (share your chair with a cat).
  • Leather or fabric (lounge).
  • Singapore trip, yes i almost bought tickets to Singapore last night, to fly in September, when i dont even have holidays.  Whack. We are meant to be going in April next year to take Dad over there, Mr J and I thought we could check it out first.  Dont rule out tickets to Singapore, i am kind of excited by the thought of it and sad that Mstr E doesnt want to come and Mstr J cant because he is all grown and has a real job.
  • How good i would be at basketball, seeing as the flannel i through over the top of the shower,  landed exactly where i wanted it to.
  • Mstr E wants to go to disco tonight, i got sad because he should sit home and be bored shitless with his mum on his birthday.  I need to get over it. 
  • Would have been cheaper to get eagle boys then the unneccesary grocery shop i had today to buy stuff just to make home made pizza for Mstr E.
  • Why didnt Mr J clean the shower, he has had 3 days off work?
Can you imagine how i felt when i go out of the shower. Out. Of. Whack.

For the first two or three  years of Mstr J life, i made fancy birthday cakes, for the remainder (15) and ALL of Mstr E life they have had Sara Lee Chocolate cakes for their birthday.  I just decorate the top with something different.  Today Ethan has White Chocolate and Rasberry Sara Lee Cake (you heard right). I got a chocolate one too, i thought it would be bad luck not to, being Friday the 13th and all.