Friday, July 27, 2012

40 plus and Affogatos

In keeping with the theme of last blog i have given you a couple of random words as a title.  I might add that the last blog had the wrong date on it, i know you all noticed, so if this date comes up wrong also, it is actually Friday the 20 something.  Its closer to August i know this much and i will be soon rolling into my 41st year, my conversation with Mr J today went like this:

He: hey we should do something for your birthday
Me: no i am one year older than 40 and i dont need a reminder, plus all the other beautiful people born in August have hogged the weekends for parties
He:  i dont know what you are worried about, its just a number and you could have something the day after Miss N
Me:  i know but i still dont want to do anything, i cant be bothered, and thats optimistic of you to think i might have my head out of the toilet bowel long enough to celebrate my birthday after Miss N party, no wait, i am not getting drunk again
He: i am going to record you saying all of this so that on the day of your birthday or the weekend near it you are not arriving at your own suprise party i have organised, you cant blow up and say no one does anything for me, plus if i had a dollar for everytime you said you werent getting drunk........
Me:  i am so not going to say that and you would probably only have ten dollars, i hardly ever say that
He:  still recording
Me:  i would be happy to have a nice dinner with my family and have you all at home and dont forget the card, if you dont get me a card, i will blow up
He: ok then
Me:  And while you are at the card shop, go and pick up my ring that we ordered, that has been ready for 2 weeks and i thought you might get it for me as a suprise, well now the wedding ring can also become my birthday present
He:  i was hoping you had forgotten about the wedding thing (looks at me like i am crazy)
Me:  (look at him: yes i am crazy and i will have another wedding unless i find something else to do and then it is all off, sorry girls, i know you had your hearts set on being in the bridal party)

The Affogato is about my dessert i made tonight from the Jamie Oliver cookbook.  It was awesome and so easy and i didnt take a photo of it, so you will have to trust that i actually made it.  Friday i have decided is not only change the bath towels day, it is cook something fancy for dinner.  I like this because for the first four days i am at work and while we still eat nice food, it is all quick stuff and no fancy desserts.  Saturdays are usually take away because we are at footy and Sundays can be a good dinner night also, unless i have ridden the horse all day and i dont give a shit if you eat coco pops for dinner. So think shortbread, chocolate chunks, cherries, ice cream, cream and coffee covered with grated chocolate in a cup.  Yum. Before the dessert we had mustard chicken, dauphonoise and greens.  I had to google Dauphonoise.