Thursday, September 6, 2012

Photo a day

So today i decided i would get some photos edited.  I need to find one for a friend who ordered it like over a year ago.  James school formal, one of the mums had some pics done with her kids, in May and some horsey ones, just because i will be on a roll.  Heres a tip; dont hire me as your photographer.  I know thats bad for business but i really need to find my mojo, i have told you this before, my photo mojo has gone awol.  I have in fact knocked back jobs.

For a while there has been monthly photos a day (does that make sense?) you know it gives you a list of words and you take a pic to represent that word.  Was great to start with, but took up way too much of my head space, especially when i would miss a couple of days and also when people were using old photos.  Not fair, its about having to think of that work all day long and look at every single thing that is in front of you and then finding something that suits.  Cheats.

Now i am involved in Yellow September on Facebook.  The task is to take a pic of something yellow everyday.  Fun idea i hear you say.  No.  It is causing me so much grief, likened to that of the alphabet assignment at college when we had to take a picture of things that looked like letters of the alphabet.  It consumes your brain, i am looking at everything yellow, all day long.  Yet i still dont have a pic for today.  And the same cheats exist. I say that lightly because i am not the "photo a day police", you can do what you like, but surely you should all have the same distractions throughout the day looking for yellow and being in a position to take a pic, most of mine are done while i am driving.

My advice: Give it a go yourself, just for laughs and giggles, especially the alphabet one, it will make your head explode.

To be or not to be

I had a bit of a panic attack this week. 

On Tuesday (i think) i woke up and suddenly thought that the grey tracky jumper i wear to bed every night (sexy i know) did not feel the same.When i took it off, it looked different, i dont remember a tag being where it is and it felt different to touch, i am sure it came from a different store and should have been a different size. I texted every mum who has had a kid sleep here in the last 2 weeks and asked them to check if was accidently taken home, i asked James to text every person he knows to see if they had borrowed it.  I looked at the jumper over and over, smelt it, rubbed it on my face, checked the tags, folded it up.  Then did that all over again about 100 times.  I have slept in that jumper all week and keep checking to see that it hasnt changed again, that the cooking oil stains are still on the front from a Jamie Oliver special (yes i get in my pjs early sometimes).  All of it looks different.  I am scared i have forgotten what it was meant to look like, and i dont know why i dont have a clear visual of how it should be.  I still dont know if it is the right tracky jumper.

This grey tracky jumper is my dads.