Wednesday, January 23, 2013

so far so good

Not leave was interupted by a work meeting this week which i forgot i had on.  It was at this meeting that i began to get concerned about the amount of work awaiting my return from not leave, that i will head into the office tomorrow to get a start on it.  Note to self, do some work on not leave.  Oh wait, Can do Campbell is taking our not leave away, so no need to worry, except that i am losing 20 days leave each year.  Arse.

Now that i have had my white whine, i can move on with the news.

Coconut calamari was on the menu tonight, only the coconut coating fell off in the oil, so it just tasted like oil dipped calamari.  Mr J took the boys to touch, so i take back my comment 'your dinner will taste crap when you get home', it tasted crap just after i cooked it.

I am thinking that i do not have too much to blog about, then i remember i went on a cruise just last weekish.  I will need to update you on this in another blog.  Remember the whole ice skating, bet you cant wait to see video cruise? The suspension is killing you isnt it?

Is that how you spell suspension, or is that even the word i am looking for.  I think i just had a stroke.

Master J's girlfriend is staying with us.  Odd having a girl in the house.  She is very sweet and Master J also has shingles.  Doctor was shocked that i had diagnosed it myself, yes on my own and with the help of Google (but i didnt tell him that).  Schoolies week, then a week at home without his mummy and he gets sick.

Mr J has organised a suprise weekend for me for our anniversary. I think this is the first time we have actually celebrated our anniversary.  Seeing as i had decided to start our marriage again last year, then this is a fitting celebration.  Problem is, i am the office girl for Mr J business, and i saw the hotel we are going to.  I wont tell him this though.  I did spin into a bit of a panic when he announced the suprise, but now i am good and looking forward to it. Plus i have decided to shout my self another Kitten D Amore dress.  Excited. Plus nothing fits me (refer to cruise blog: it may or may not be written tonight).

In a nutshell, not leave was good.  I needed it. 

9 weeks until easter, thats 36 days of work, unless of course i drop a day due to my new role as office manager or lose my job due to Can Do's plan to sell our campus.

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