Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Missing in Action

It seems I have not blogged since my concern over the photo a day post.  I should let you know there have been at least 4 since then and one month i managed to knock out only one day.  Shame.  I have mentioned before my photo mojo has gone, well it is not back, in fact i am going away tomorrow and i cant be bothered packing  my camera.  Yes my uber expensive canon, that i had to have.  Lucky i made Mr J buy me an uber expensive bag to hold it in so it doesnt get dusty. 

So it seems alot may have gone on since our last conversation, i dont really remember too much, or have anything to share, but for some i  I will try to put the highlights into point form, my apologies if i cover a topic i have already covered.  No really i dont care.

  • James 0, Cars 3. Yes we have another in the panel beaters.  Mr J is not impressed, i cannot comment yet as insurance has not gone through, keep you posted. What i can say is no stupid teenagers have been hurt.
  • I am good.
  • Christmas good.
  • Jamie Oliver has a lot to answer for.  30 minute meals, then onto half the time with 15 minute meals, i would have not thought it possible.  It is. Cooking time 15 minutes, clean up time 2 hours, add 5 kilos bodyweight.
  • First New years in at least 25 years that i have not had a hangover.  Finally i have found my cut of switch.  Or i am actually getting old.
  • Still not smoking.  Yay me.
  • Stu is pleased to announce the impending 2014 calendar, please place your orders for christmas.

So i really dont have much for you today. I am leaving on a cruise tomorrow.  I have packed too much and dont know that they will let me on the flight to Sydney.  You cant be expected to pack light when there are formal dinners involved and three birthdays to be had on board.  Mr J (aka three hanky bandit) will be turning the big 50, Mr J will be forty something (after we get back, but good excuse to celebrate) and my sister will be fifty something and we will celebrate every night from the 10th to the 13th simply because she is convinced that she is born on a different day to her birth certificate and no one can agree (it is the 11th).

I should give you the heads up, there is an ice skating rink on board.  We are going to corry our very own icecapade, Mr J will be doing the lifts, he may or may not be in tights and it will be posted right here on this blog when it has been completed.  You cant wait, can you ?

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