Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fringe Benefits

Wow... i had the most amount of comments made on a pic i posted on Crack Book yesterday.  Because i am 40 and dont care what people say i proudly put up a pic of my new 'do' which was clearly cut by Blind Freddie ( i am sure this is what her name tag said ), and gee i laughed hard at the response, some one words: "WOW" others more in depth "Oh Fuck, who does this to people" yeah it was pretty bad new 'do'.

I am about to embark on the biggest trip of my adult life, leaving for Vegas in the morning and i decide i need a fringe trim prior to departure....you know i will be featured in alot of photos and frocking up to go out, even attending a wedding, so i want to look good.  So i drop in to Brookside shopping centre to fall into the first salon i see ( mistake #1), a girl with a bad hair cut and bad hair colour sits me down, as i scan over the other girls working there i note that they all have bad hair cuts and bad colours, in my head i said "this is not a good sign", my head told me to get up and walk out, but i had already comitted to the cut and couldnt get out of the seat ( mistake #2): hubby and i did this once before at a very expensive Italian restaurant, whose menu was also in Italian, we were comitted.   So every 'hairdresser' here has bad hair/colour and my chosen one starts to cut mine "just a trim" and "give me a sweeping fringe, the last hair dresser i went to fucked it up so i need you to fix it"...."ok" miss bad hair says "great".

10 minutes later.....

"your fringe will sit much better when it dries" miss bad hair says "would you like me to dry it off for you"
"no thanks, all good, it will be fine" i say ( mistake # 3).

I didnt look in the mirror before i left (mistake #4), i checked it when i got home and freaked out !! Was she fucking blind....i would think (and i know some hairdressers) that after 4 years of college and cutting a million heads of hair, you could cut a sweeping fucking fringe.

Now my sister in law (aka Betty Boop) is a hairdresser, and while she was training...from day one, i let her cut and colour my hair, i was her guinea pig and proud of it, she never, not ever fucked up my hair that i would have to resort to pinning it back with fifty million bobbi pins. Betty Boop by the way is the ONLY hairdresser who can cut the perfect sweeping fringe...regrets:  no it made for a funny night on crackbook, it will grow back, i dig bobbi pins and i am going to love the look on the bad hair chics faces when i dump this photo in their salon when i get back.  Look forward to featuring in many holiday snaps with a bad fringe. 

FYI i fixed it myself later that night....it may or may not be worse than the pic above....


  1. You cannot, I repeat cannot leave us all hanging, we need photo of the new improved fringe. I did laugh at some of the comments. None were real confidence booster I will admit. Funny Ha Ha or Funny argh argh x Enjoy your massively fun trip and a Wedding too. Awesome
