Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Pack a spare pair of undies

177 hours until departure.

I am fortunate to have so many caring friends in my life and from at least three of them they have reminded me to pack spare undies in my carry on.  One so that i can feel brand new: post fem fresh, perfume and spritz, one more says just in case my bag gets lost and the other says its just the rules of travel.  Seems like it must be an important tip, so i will go with it and pack a spare pair of undies (note to self: new ones, no holes that might impress a 20 something with abs who empties my bag at the airport after a drug detection dog chooses me) oh wait, thats in sufferers paradise.

I am actually so thankful to have friends that are concerned about my first time as a grown up travel experience, I guess they have seen the best and worst of me and believe i could do with the tips.

Just this week I stopped at the chemist to stock up on necessities.  The pharmacist looked at me funny (weird, not ha ha) when i dumped my haul on the counter:
Sinutab (with pseudoephedrine)
Codral (without pseusdoephedrine: it is great for hangovers)
Tissues (snot during hangover)
Toothpaste and Brush (scrape the carpet from my teeth)
Barocca (hangover)
Vitamins (pre hangover)
Panamax (100 pack: no i wont take all 100, unless i lose my house on the craps table)
Hair Dye (i dont need a racing stripe)
Seems he thought i was going to change my appearance and sell the drugs i had created with the combo i had just purchased, i think i was photographed on CCTV on the way out.....

Back to my friend Miffy aka Kookie, who by the way has done more travel in the last couple of years than i can ever imagine doing, so i guess she is a pro and should market these packs to the general public, who have no clue what to pack. Some of her handy travel hints included:

Dont use the word BOMB in any vernacular.
Dont think about 911 while flying (it is only the 10 year anniversary after all) also reminding me that you cannot just open the exit door and jump in the midst of a panic attack, the cabin is pressurized (so barista boy says).
Dont sit on the exits as they limit your alcohol intake (despite the fact you cant open the doors)
Dont drink too much unless trying to sleep, if that is the case, go hard fast early and sleep.


Now the pack that accompanied Kookies Travel Tips (and there were many more, i just wanted to touch on a few of my favourite) was like opening a treasure chest.  It arrived via courier at work today, so i got to open it in front of all my work mates (might have some candle orders for you Miffy). The pack had a contents list, just in case i needed quick reference:

Peg (for your nose) people fart a lot on planes and you cannot hear them.  OMG this has been troubling me all week, so i thought it hilarious it was on top of the list, even came with instructions to put one on my nose and fart, just to test it out.
Items for snot - tissues and vicks vapour drops
Items for front and back bums - fem fresh, wet toilet paper and hand wipes just in case you accidently touch your front or back bum or the filthy farting pigs on the plane.
Bach flower remedy (in case i feel the need to evacuate)
Hair bands, ear cleaners, hand and lip balm and band aids for post dancing blisters (in Vegas, not the plane).
Hangover cures:  advil, Quickeeze (spelt quickies....not thinking of joining the mile high club (unless the 20 something with abs who is impressed by undies is on board...oooh did i say that out loud)
And a face washer which Miffy reminds me that if i was travelling business class i would have this handed to me, warm, after i finish my a la carte meal and real french champagne...i accept your apology. 
Miffy even thought of my friends who are travelling with me and packed some spare pens, mine is clearly the flashy one (like business class), theirs is not so flash (economy).


I feel blessed to have such special friends in my life, who know to pack items that are practical but will also help the morning after the re-creation of the Hangover...

637,405 seconds


  1. Love it and so glad you liked it. Barista Boy thought you would think I was weird. I said "She already knows that I am weird!!"

  2. So funny the comment thing you have to write for the last comment I just posted was Pantion like don't forget to put your best panties on....

  3. I would add that if you go hard & fast early, you will need those band aids on the plane...
    and another hint - DON'T take ya shoes off on the plane. You won't get them back on if your feet swell. (Esp if you're drinking.)
    Hope you have an awesome flight!!
