Monday, August 29, 2011

Nick Names

Everyone has a nick name, some that just stick and you dont mind be called, others follow you around for a very long time, you try to lose them, but they just keep following you.

Before i was married and fortunate enough to gain the Russell name (because there are separate rules for Russells), my maiden name was Wood. 

Woody Woodpecker featured for a few years in primary school, along with the name came the laugh...not from me, i hated it, but smiled and went along with it, eventually the other kids got bored and stopped saying it, or perhaps i changed schools.  "knock knock knock on wood" was also a feature song in my junior life and i must admit it is a favourite now (the song, not the heckling).

My BFF Miffy uses nick names in her blog, in fact i am Scarlett, which i dont mind so much, and half the fun has been reading her blogs and trying to figure out who is who, i thought i would borrow her idea.  It is difficult sometimes because i dont like to offend, and believe me i could throw out some crackers based on the fact that all of my friends are completely insane (thats why i love them). Sometimes i just spell them wrong...sorry Naana (aka Nana): the 'a' is long?  I may need Madonna's assistance seeing as she is a literary genious and can confirm this attempt at explaining the pronunciation (nar-na).

"Slim" is a good friend of mine, yes he is in my friend book (for another blog) and although we met through marriage (my hubbys friend not a second hubby), he has confirmed that if i ever split from hubby, i could stay in the friend book, hubby would have to go.  Woody woodpecker is much more fun. I cant use Slim (as his name) in my blogs (although i am tonight) as it is his regular nick name, so much so, i actually didnt know his real name for a very long time and sometimes now i still have to stop and think about it.

Slim is by far one of the funniest people i know, with some of the most ridiculous stories, perhaps i have too many nick names to choose from, dont despair Slim, you will surely earn a name in Vegas, i can guarantee it.


  1. Love it Miss Miffy Love it. Am working on a little travel gift that you should look forward to receiving in the mail early next week. x

  2. Oh and my old one from school was Murdy or Murderer that is not one you want to keep that is for sure.
