Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I am the queen of unfinished objects, yes i admit it.  I am also the queen of writing lists, sometimes i cross items off when they are complete, sometimes i add items i have already done and then cross them off just so it looks like i have finished something, i started a Bachelor Degree just so i could say i completed something big: i have been doing my third year for about 3 years so far.  Getting back to UFO's.

In my quilting phase of life when i was pregnant with my first born, i started a quilt.  I left work the minute i found out i was pregnant, i thought the best i could do for my unborn child was to sit at home, watch bold and the beautiful and eat at least one Sarah Lee banana cake every day....add 36kgs, mainly on my ass. It made it to the ready to pin together stage by the time my first born arrived.

The quilt endured three house moves, and on the third it was relocated to Queen Adelaides house as i had very little storage in this house we moved into.

On prom night Queen Adelaide presented me with the finished product, i was deeply touched, while technically i had not finished this unfinished project, it was now ready to put on my bed.

My firstborn is 16 and a bit years old.

In a box in the horse shed i have 3 more UFO's from my quilting phase...i will keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. That is one of the most touching gifts I have heard get given to someone. Sweet. Gee I can still clearly remember the day he was born. I was at work and so so excited while you were trying to birth him.
