Sunday, August 28, 2011


As previously mentioned i like to write lists.  I dont always do the things on my list, actually i often lose them in the bermuda triangle soon after writing them.  I write them on backs of bills, on scrap paper and sometimes on new paper, but i neally always lose them.  Perhaps i need to write myself a note to remember to take my list.  I thought it would be handy to have a list book, one book where i can keep all of my lists in one place and always carry it with me.....i lost it.  Now i just cant find the perfect book to replace it, needs to fit in my hand bag and be bright so the likelyhood of me losing it decreases (does that make sense).  I dont want to lose it.

As you may or may not know, I am part of the 2011 Vegas Tour with 10 of my close friends in 16 days, 4 hours, 39 minutes and 44 seconds (exact time when i started this blog, decreasing in time every second i type), yes i am excited (can you tell).  I have not travelled overseas as a grown up, in fact i have not ventured further north than Noosa or south than Sydney, this is why i dont ever do the 'what percentage of the world have you travelled' on crackbook (facebook for another blog), my percentage would be embarassingly (is that a word) low. Note to self, complete 'what percentage of the world have you travelled' when i get back.


Such a venture into the big wide world has meant i have started (and lost) many lists, even though i have a designated 'Vegas Tour' file in my filing is missing also.  So the list closest to my computer reads:

LMFAO Sept 16 Planet Hollywood
Vegas indoor skydiving
James size 9
Ethan size 6
Wrangler-Vegas outlet centre
Maid service $2-3 per night (i can only assume this is for room clean) and a reminder to leave a thankyou note with the tip (surely room clean)
Tip dealers at end of session 5% (please be referring to gaming tables, unless he is 20 something with abs)
and some drug dose rates (this is for work, not Vegas related at all)

Now this list is not really helpful, i need to write a note which reminds me to write a list of useful items.

So tonight i am going to start a useful list, as i have already started to pack.  Pop Princess has given me a tip, pack one pair going out shoes, black pants, black skirt and buy everything else there, also to purchase comfortable clothing for the flight which could also be worn in public...i did have a nice grey tracky i was hoping to wear !

16 days 4 hours 3 mins 9 seconds

1 comment:

  1. Don't upsize your meals or the clothes you buy over there won't fit....LOL
