Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Lost property

Russell Down Hotel was established in the late 90's i believe and has since been relocated to Tamborine Village aka Manland/Chicksville, depends who you speak to.  I have always been astounded at the amount of lost property after a 'function' and impending doom celebrations left the most amount of lost property, the list is as follows:

5 x wigs of various styles (mainly mullets)
3 x corsages
1 x purple beads
2 x sunglasses (odd, it was a night function)
1 x gold and white suit inlcuding socks
1 x grey suit
1 x silver falcon (it went missing in the afternoon, my apologies if it was yours)
2 x persons: The Axe and Bugs
2 x porta loos (they have not been picked up, so i believe they are now the property of Russell Down Hotel)

I just wanted to mention these items in case anyone was looking for them, The Axe and Bugs were reluctantly claimed by their owners and everything else has gone to the lost property box...perhaps an idea for the next party as i could dress at least 30 people with the items i have accumulated over the years.

I also thought it important to talk about an essential item for any function; a Tamborine.  Arent they fun ?  That is of course if you can pry them out of the hands of the Tamborine Hog (and everyone knows one) they run a close second to the karaoke microphone hog (and we know plenty of these). The tamborine is a great substitute for those of you who are afraid to sing, i used to be afraid to sing, but in my own head i think i do ok (or rhubarb my way through it), and it is all about song choice...dont pick the songs you really cant sing, select the ones you sing less badly.  I practice in the car (constantly, in preparation for the next karaoke night), then write the song names down on my iphone, dont know what i was thinking when i chose copa cobana and didnt have the assistance of moraccas (is that how you spell it?)

My advice is to give it a crack, you should have 'smash out a tune at karaoke' on your bucket list, it is very liberating, and when all your friends are as pissed as you are, you can really rock it, they will cheer at anyone....


  1. Oh. My. Goodness.
    Don't remember much of your night...

  2. Miss Ira clearly it was the newbie spiking of the slushie and are you saying I just belt out a song. I worked it out. The professional singer had our mics turned down especially when I hit the mic. She could tell I am good. No, No, really I am good. A friend once said I should go on Australia's Got Talent, I was sober, he however had a case of severe chamnesia. Have I just written a blog in a comment box of a blog?
