Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Cats Meow

I love cats.

At one stage I had 7 of them, people told me i would end up the crazy cat lady, living with about 100 of them, crawling my way through piles of kitty litter and fur balls, that is if i survived the night with all 100 sleeping on my bed.  Of course this is post hubby. He does not like cats.  He tolerates them to keep me happy, in fact he would bring me home a kitten as an apology kitten, all would be forgiven.  Jim (my horse) was also an apology kitten (or horse), i cant even remember why. And i do plan to become the cat lady...i dont care what anyone says about me.


I left my phone at work (something different) and i was in desperate need of an alarm so i could get James to school by 7.30am so he could attend some inter college sports day featuring Javelin (which i didnt think he could even do). Did you know the T hub, i purchase i was bullied into getting on my last visit to the Telstra store, ingenious invention (well not really) but i felt like i had a cheaper version of the ipad, well it has an alarm....awesome....whats even better is you can set the alarm to sound like a cat.  Now you cant preview the alarm sounds, so it was pot luck, as soon as i saw cat tone, i selected it, then raced to bed, i needed to get to sleep fast, so i would wake up sooner when i hear the sound. 

About 8 hours later i was awoken by a constant "meow" and 2 off my cats completely flipping out as they thought there was a visitor in the house and my lovely Stu; who some say is challenged, he actually was hand raised and at 3 weeks old he came to a footy match and the pub, he needed 4 hourly feeds and his bottom wiped....a difficult task after you have had about a thousand cans of Jimmy.  Stu is now 9, has had a sex change and is the love of my life. Hubby hates him. I think he Jealous (of the cat, not the sex change).


After i navigated my way through 2 of my cats flipping out in the doorway (the T hub is in my office aka bermuda triangle) I found Stu staring  into the T hub.  I think he/she/shim is in love.