Sunday, August 21, 2011

Footy Trip Weekend

Every year we celebrate the end of footy season with a weekend at the Vibe Hotel in Sufferers Paradise.  Arrive on Friday, quiet night in, and this year we included a Saturday at the races, we booked a function room, which was fantastic, had our own tote, open bar and food, and a group of great people. 

Refer back to the quiet night in on Friday.....

8 couples checked in throughout the day, we headed for Yum Cha lunch with Queen Scrub Turkey and her other half, Nana and Queen Adelaide.  Nice, we drank tea and coke.  Checked into the hotel via the bottle shop and by 5 pm i drank a whole can of Jimmy which i had put my cigarette butt into, this is pretty much an indication of how the 'quiet night in would progress', i thought it had tasted a bit funny (funny strange, not funny ha ha).  No dinner and by about 9pm we had lost at least three quarters of the team, they had succumbed to the $5 breezers.  I think the ash from my butt lined my stomach.

Tom and Carol, myself and my hubby (still no nick name) headed to Cavill Mall for kebabs/pizza/hotdog, which ever was closest.  Standing on the corner of the Bavarian Steakhouse (yeah i know its not there anymore) and we were caught in a 'sting'.  Tom had his crotch sniffed by a drug detection dog, consequently he was patted down (Tom, not the labrador).  He had to empty all of this pockets, including the contents of his wallet, now this is a man who is packing Hankies, not ekkies and so Tom became the 'Two Hanky Bandit' (sorry Tom/THB).  I could not put a pic with this as the police did not think it was very funny when i asked them to pose for a blog photo, no not even a smirk, so in fear of them confiscating my camera i didnt take any photos. Party Poopers.

Danced  at The Avenue Nightclub (it has no cover charge), had a guy convinced Carol and I were the girls off the block (Katrina and Amie), he asked if we were, we didnt want to disappoint him....he said "thats awesome, you guys rock", was he referring to our TV celebrity status or our shuffling ?  I found a vending machine which dispensed mini makeup items, have these always been around ?  For three dollars i got a mini lip gloss and for another three i got a pack of mini bobbi pins and hair ties, both of which broke on first application. On exiting the nightclub to go and get some kebab/pizza/hotdog (which was what we were meant to be in Cavill Mall for in the first place), Carol and I were fortunate enough to have our photos taken with some semi dressed 20 somethings with abs...yes people abs, hubby and Tom also wanted their pics taken with the 20 something ab boys, is that weird?

Kebabs are so awesome.

Buskers are awesome too, they may or may not have a bit of my onion in there guitar cases, we were dancing with our hands in the air, so much fun.

Bed 2am, yep quiet night in.

Saturday is race day, off to the track for a private function in the Winners Circle room, this is great.  As a warm up, we went to Grundys (no i wont call it Timezone) and played video games for 2 hours...hubby got motion sickness from a powerboat ride and almost vomited. Queen Adelaide, Princess Jandal and myself got to end of Pirates of the Caribbean....seriously you have go play that game.

Throughout the day i managed to win or place in 7 from 8 races at the track, i dont place a bet until i can see the horses, seems to work well for me, needless to say i didnt go home broke and believe it or not after drinking a thousand bourbans i was not pissed either.  Unfortunately i could not say this about my fellow scrub turkeys.....Blind.....and now back to the Titanium Bar because we needed to drink more (WTF).  We all got in ok, this suprised me, immediately 6 people were cut was 6pm.  One by one they fell.

I needed to regroup as one of BFF was meeting for a drink.  Switch to Zambucca and i was back on track, dont worry i dont drink it straight, it has ice in it. 

Based on the fact Nana (who had been cut off twice and almost arrested) thought my beautiful blonde BFF was a swedish backpacker, she will now be known as Inga.  Now Inga and i have know each other since the mid 80's.  At 16 years old we ran away from home to become stars in a Japanese commercial for a soft drink called Aids (yes you heard right) and rented a motel with mirrored ceilings (it was in all the rooms i think) and now here we were in a bar which is built on the same place that mirror ceiling motel room was ...  I think....

So Inga is a bubbly drinker and was astounded at my ability to drink so much Zambucca and not vomit, the same is true for my thoughts on bubbly.  When the Titanium Bar ran out of Zambucca ( surely i didnt drink it all), rather than call it a night, we headed into Cavill for kebabs/pizza/hotdog...or...The Avenue, i remember when we used to go there to laugh at all the old people........

We ran into some very old friends (time not age) and the party kicked up a gear, back to shuffling, air guitar and of course the boy in the checked shirt.  Cute.  Young.  Kept looking at Inga.  Step in 'Ultimate Wingman', while i think that is me (based on my success rate), hubby thinks its him.  It was a battle of the wingmen.  Checked shirt cute boy had a girlfriend and we know this because my hubby asked his mate, I suggested we infiltrate the group, hubby thought it would be quicker to just ask.   Bummer.  I think CSCB felt a bit weird and his party left.  We left ages after and despite the fact our conversations were unclear and we all had the wobbly boots on, Inga wants to go to Melbas.  We move through the busy bar to find a table, and who is next to us.....CSCB (checked shirt cute boy for those of you who may have lost track).  STALKERS, yep we looked like creepy cougars, honestly we didnt know he was there, maybe he followed us (didnt think of that).  

So when it got too hard to talk, that is when no words were decipherable and hubby/wingman #2 left us, we decided to get that food we left for about 5 hours ago.  Pie Face. What happened to the dodgy pie truck that used to park out front of Melbas 20 years ago, you risked your life with the traffic on the road and the pies, it was dangerous. 2 chicken pies with smily faces and tomato sauce, i dont remember the conversation, i just remember we laughed alot and i finished my pie with a spoon.  Taxi for Inga whose shoes had become very wobbly indeed, i went for comfort because i am 40, mine wobbled much less. Good night sweet Inga, i had a fun is now 3.30am.

Is it a sign of good night when you come out of the bathroom and your skirt is on inside out?



  1. Love your post...lmfao

    Your hubby's an amazing waltzer, so very talented, he deserved recognition for his high performance during the waltz in the mall with the other rivals....hubby of the year!!!

    Tom (the two hanky bandit) is still getting over the crotch sniffing and male groping during "The Sting" lmao. His retrieved hankies are now cleansed and packed back in their secret cavity and are safely guarded by socks.

    The Avenue....everybody's shuffling....Yeh!!! I'm devasted that we didn't win "The Bloke" sis...

    I'm glad you didn't waste your phone battery on Tom the Two Hanky bandit....the bow ties, six packs and kiss on the cheek were definately a much better option....puuuurrrrrrrr!!

    Kebabs, buskers and dancing on the footpath of Cavil Ave...what a ripper of a night...sorry about the onions Mr Busker, left them for Ron!!

    Race day at the Winners Circle....Thankyou for inviting us we had a fantastic time, you guys and your friends are awesome!!!

    Carol and Tom

  2. My daughter read your blog...laughed so much and was quick to point out that I wrote BLOKE instead of BLOCK.....Bow ties and six packs are etched in my mind lol
