Sunday, August 14, 2011

Life begins at 40.....

2 more sleeps and i will be 40.   It is not something i have been looking forward to, in fact it terrifies me.  Everyone (who is over 40) says life begins at 40, is this to make you feel better about the impending doom or does it really begin?
If life is just beginning at 40, then what have i been doing for the previous 39 years and 363 days, just practicing?
Considering my new beginning, i thought i should get prepared and make a plan for this new life, two of my BFF from school days write a blog.  Do you write a blog, or keep a blog or do a blog?  i am new to this and i love to read theirs everyday (they buy me a little extra time in bed every morning....i am so happy when they are long ones), so after my second wake up this morning,  post impending doom celebrations last night (these details are for another blog) i decided i needed to start/write/keep/do a blog. 
Ideas were popping in my head, so many ideas, that i typed notes into my iphone from Tamborine to Beenleigh (and didnt run off the road, not even a little bit). 
If anything i believe this blog will help my transition to the new life, kind of like therapy, and seeing as this urge came to me almost like an epiphany, i should roll with it......wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. I love it. It is therapy. Good Girl like the title too. x x x k
