Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Brain Fag

As you may or may not know i work on the Northside of Bris Vegas, a leisurely one and half hour drive there and back each day, and that is a good run without traffic.  Now the M1 can resemble a car park most days, and for those of you who commute, you can relate to this. I have 14 days of work left this year then have 6 weeks off which is the only reason i spend 12 hours plus per week in my car.  I have clocked up 78 thousand kms in 18 months.  Wow i hear you say (or not).

Anywho i requested to drop a day or work from home, but because some idiots who are given the privelage to work from home, sue their company for tripping over at home, i do not get this privelage, thats government jobs for you.  In saying that Pokie Free Drink Party Queen # 1 also works for government and she gets to work from home, in her PJ's if she likes and i am sure does not plan to trip or sue her boss.  Lucky. So in an attempt to drop a day, i was given a new job instead.  No drop day and i think i was suckerpunched.  I spend a good part of the day trying not to kill a workmate or allowing my head to explode all over my desk.

In a plan to get my shit together i now am getting out of bed at 5.30am.  Today i managed to ride my horse, load up the the wheelbarrow trailer with horse poo and spread it on the garden, put on and hang out a load of washing (no wait, i put it in the machine, forgot to hang it out, now needs rewashing) make school lunches, iron a uniform (no wait, i didnt iron it, he left crinkled), proof read an assignment (and add some which got me an A- grade),get the boys to school and get myself to work.  For most of these duties i was trying to think what i could contribute to Miffys friendship christmas tree (and coordinate a date to get together to hang said decoration on the friendship tree). 

I am really tired.

I am also going to steal her idea (if i can find the time) and have my own friendship christmas tree, seeing as the boys want the rediculously huge tree in their own lounge room, i need a special one upstairs.  So all my lovely friends it would be great if you could spend part of your day trying to find the perfect decoration, hopefully my head wont explode in the meantime and i will get to see it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I have just the decoration for you. I am making it if my head does not explode too from making tomato chutney, tomato relish (not sure they are too different) and my own sun-dried tomatoes, might I add that we don't even really eat sun-dried tomatoes but I thought it was a good idea at the time. Then there is the green tomato jam that I should be making today (being Thursday) but the rain woke me up and I could not get back to sleep so I figure I have six hours to do all the crap a mum must do before the kids are of to school and I am either back in bed or on the coach SLEEPING. Maybe you could learn another language on the way to work. Or listen to audio books? x k
