Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Remember the days of the old school yard ?

We met in about grade 8, so 13-14 years old and now we are celebrating club membership.  The 40 club.  That is a long time to know someone and to still have so much admiration these people is something special.  Sure we all got on with life after school and some of us drifted apart, never to meet up again, but for some we have kept in touch or reconnected after a very long time.  And nothing really changes. 

The conversation can go on like we saw each other yesterday, but with a lot more 'remember when', and i swear everyone still looks the same and is as fabulous as they were back at school. I am so fortunate that this group of people are still in my life .

When Miffy started posting school days pics on crack book i promised to add some pics, problem is i have one photo album missing.  I have about 20 and i can still see the pics in this one clear as i was looking at it yesterday and really i cant remember the last time i saw it.  I was disappointed that i could not add pics to lifesaver T when he joined club 40.  So tomorrow, before or after i go shopping for my long lunch outfit, i am going to find that album, i do know for sure i have a box of all my negatives (somewhere).  I still have a few boxes in the shed which came to our Tamborine house (2.5 years ago), that have not been unpacked. 
I will Miffy have a heap of good pics to give to you....eventually.  Perhaps when we all join the 50 club??

1 comment:

  1. Yah I bet your find it today after you get something great to wear to a long lunch c k
