Sunday, November 20, 2011

Long week

I havent forgotten, but just havent had any time to write a blog.  Now Miffy has pumped out 5 in one day, great work.  I figured i might need to jot down a few things going on in my life as i really have alot to say.  There are things i am quite happy to talk about in a public blog (assuming that more than 3 people read this) and things i would like to talk about but probably not for the public domain, i know Miffy asked once before if you could blog and maintain complete anonymity.  Great idea, get stuff off your chest.  I guess that is also what your BFF's are for, when you need to vent, they are your blog.  

Now the girls had a 'gathering' on the weekend, while it is true i played a part in creating the slumber event, it was a collaborative effort to have a girls night out.  I had used my 'free pass' the weekend before in Sydney so reluctantly had to withdraw my attendance from the event created on FB.  Actually i didnt do this because it felt so final and i was sad to be missing out.  I dont like to miss out, and this seems to put me in a bit of hot water most times, nothing illegal or inappropriate, just hot water.  You know, with the fun police.  Lucky there is no jail for the fun police to lock you in, i would certainly spend a considerable amount of time in there ! So for now i will laugh at the recaps on the girls night, and try not to laugh at Mrs L apparent stunt roll into the gutter. I love my girls and am so lucky to have them, I was touched that they have decided to bring the girls to me....I look forward to it, some notice would be good so i can load the pool with some floating devices which hold slushy cups.

Speaking of pools and fun police, apparently there is also a rule on pool toys.  Pool Toy Police resides in Tamborine.  This also makes me sad.

I have been out of sorts lately, actually for some time, i cant remember when it started or how it started or even why, i know Miffy will understand and may or may not remember us discussing this at a previous 40 club function, before she pinched the Aussie pencil case from the souvenir shop in Bris Vegas.  I didnt see any Bris Vegas magnets.  Disappointing.

Work has got me down, travelling in the car for about 3 hours a day (longer in traffic) might have something to do with it.  I love my job and the people i work with, i hate that my dogs want to eat the birds from our new avairy and also the chickens.  Flick drives me nuts and i have to take her because her stupid leg is busted and i am over changing the bandages every time someone loses sight of her and she swims in the dam.  Of course if we had a dog proof fence, she wouldnt swim in the dam....(venting).  Anyway, 5 more weeks with her splint on, i will have to create a xmas one for her soon, it is almost December.  4 more weeks and i have 6 weeks off work.....hallelujah !

I have bought some chrissy decorations and lights, inspired by the fact lunch is at my house this year and all the family is coming...i am actually looking forward to it, maybe not the fact that my sister is buying bon bons that have whistles in them and i will have loads of little people here to blow them, but that i can see my family all day on xmas day.  Xmas celebrations with my half of the family usually occur on boxing day, so this is a nice change.  Just need to get the hand rails up on the house, so a little person doesnt end up like flick with a cast on, and i have somewhere to hang my lights.

Went to Sydney last weekend with some horsey girlfriends, we visited an all thing horse type expo for 4 days, it was fabulous but also used up my pass.  Am i glass half empty  if i worry over the fact that i might only have another 15 years of horse riding left, and that is provided i am not broken in the meantime?  I dont want to run out of time.  I need more than another 40 years with my crazy school girls, i need to be able to see them when i want so i dont miss out on stuff, and i figure by the time we are 80 we might not remember each other, it will be nice to grow old together.

Renovations are back on and i was excited about painting, picked the colours, bought new brushes and paint, dropsheets even, i painted about 2 inches of timber and was over it.  I hate painting.  That is probably why we had a painter come in and paint all the other bits.  I thought it might be nice to actually do some of the reno ourselves, that and the fact that i can use the would be painting money to put in my holiday purse. 

I have a holiday purse, where i hide my holiday savings.  I did raid it yesterday to pay for a horse riding day and felt so guilty about it too.

I have also come to the conlusion that not a single person in my family (husband/children) is interested in anything i do.  How did this happen?  While tall boy has the love for animals that i do, small boy does not, Elvis pretends for my sake and will always be gentle when i ask him to bury something.  Elvis says it is because they are boys, surley they could pretend sometimes.

Move on

Anywho, i plan to have a fab week ahead  (power of positive thinking), ride my horse in the mornngs before work, this is nice, work ruins the day but it will pay for a holiday, so that is nice.  I have 2 beautiful boys, one of which is finishing grade 11on Thursday and will only have one year to go....this makes me cry every time i think about it.  The other will only have 4 after this one finishes.  Time flies. I have only got 16 more days of work left, but who is counting? 

I havent quit smoking.

I ate half a packet of lemon crisp biscuits and 2 peanut butter and jam sandwiches today while watching Twilight eclipse. 


  1. Who is the Fun Police? Boys are boys and I will cry this Friday as it is the last day of school for the boys then we have to come home and put up the Christmas Tree so I get happy. Hope no-one realises I am Miffy (pencil case thing) especially the Police even the fun ones. Tom Thumb would be horrified to find me on Today Tonight under "Do you know this woman?" Apparently I am setting a great example for my kids. I agree, three hours in the car would such big ones. How could you change that? You so need six weeks off. Maybe then you could see a real Doctor who may give you some real happy pills. Have a perfect week.

  2. Hey Miss!
    So you missed out on one event.
    There will be others.
    Be positive and all that shit, but make sure you also know when to go for someone else for some of that 'positivity'. (Like Mif suggested.)
    Know how you feel - been there, done that, got the divorce papers...
    To feel happy you need to BE happy. And sometimes that takes hard work & changes - for everyone involved.
    Love to ya, horsey!
