Monday, October 31, 2011

Speaking of which .....

I was only thinking this morning i had a million things to get off my mind, and then i woke to read a fellow bloggers and BFF blog to see that not only had she delivered it to us all a day early, but she must have also had a thousand things to say, i loved it, it was so busy and interesting.  So inspired by this blog and also disappointed that the one she was promising for Tuesday had already been read, i thought i would share my thoughts.

I had vivid dreams last night, i dreamt i was fired from work, maybe that is because Mark Bouros gets to fire someone every other day and it was in my head, or perhaps it was the wine i drank with my neighbour in the afternoon....and dont you just hate Deni Hines and if she mentions her mother again, if she doesn't get fired tomorrow night i will throw my shoe at the TV.

Flick went swimming again on Sunday, i popped out for an hour or so to see how Queen Adelaide and Naana's holiday went.  The team effort of looking after her splinted leg is not real flash around here.  Queen Adelaide and Naana were glowing however, really, suntanned and excited about going back to Thailand....of course i said i would need to do that trip also.  More dreaming, but something to aim for, see we are planning a massive group family trip to somewhere the kids would kind of like also, they would kill me if i left without them again and this would only be because they want to pick the gifts we might bring back, perhaps Tall one will have a fishing trip that week when we plan to go and i will only have to take shorter one with.

Tall one announces that him and his mates are looking at hiring a house boat. REALLY. He is 16 and 7 months and thinks his bank account is full of cash...he only works one day a week but also dreams big, he even has mates with big cars and big boats (guess what he thinks he will be getting, yes he asked for a boat). Elvis and i both thought this idea was ridiculous, at that age.....  I actually think we did something similar, our friend had a big boat and his parents would take it out and anchor it and leave us on it, we would get so pissed, there were times i remember on occasions getting a boat stuck on a sand bar, i dont remember if it was the big one, Miffy might be able to help me with this one.....we can discuss it at our long lunch, the boys will have some idea at least....i do remember being thrown overboard into a herd/bevvy/gaggle of jellyfish, not nice.

I cant wait for the long lunch, it is my first invite to actually intend to have a long lunch, not one which you eat at lunchtime then keep on going until breakfast by accident.  I dont know what to wear and am planning a shop on Thursday to sort it out, but really i cant wait. The lunch is to welcome yet another member to the club (40).  Hopefully i will get to catch up with our French maid who i was sad to miss her club initiation due to sunstroke.  For sure we can share a bottle of bubbles to celebrate, even Miffy has declared she will be a sinner for the day, mainly due to peer pressure and i think she should as a reward for the lifestyle change.  Shitty time of the year to decide on a lifestyle change, but kudos to you for doing it. 

October 31 today, halloween.  The inside of my casement windows in this office look like i have decorated them.  The biggest spiders and plenty of webs, i had a giggle when i noticed it, and cant be bothered taking a pic to prove it.  Its true. Also last day of smoking.  Who am i kidding, i bought another packet tonight. I have anxiety already about getting through a long lunch with a bunch of non smokers.....

I started my new job this week, same place, same desk, new job...well sort of in preparation for next year, this is good but i cant wait until holidays...7 weeks 28 more days to drive to the arse end of the earth to sit at my desk and fight famnesia. Did not fight very hard today.

Sydney next week, Equitana, all things horse for those of you who dont know.  Am heading down with a group of girls, cant wait.  I just wish they would stamp your passport, now that i have one, then i can feel like i am going  I might accumulate a few next year seeing as i have agreed to go to Vegas for a wedding (as a bridesmaid in my pink frock), Thailand, Canada and Darwin, I think the wedding is not going to happen because Miffy doesnt want me to wear my pink frock.  Now Elvis does not want to go to Darwin (apparently nothing is there) or Thailand so i told him that clearly our travel plans are not aligned so it would be better if he didnt come with and it would cost less also.  Like that will happen. 

My car has a massive scratch on it, someone has hit something and no one will fess up.  I did run over Tall boys bike in the garage, could have been me. Prove it.

The weather is shit, i am also anxious about another flood episode come xmas time, of course last year i spent my whole 6 weeks off freaking out about the floods, only to escape to Evans Head and get smashed with a couple of massive storms.  Note to self: need to buy a new gazebo to replace the one that got smashed last year, or was that Freemont St Dancers gazebo? I panic in storms and wonder why Piper (my dog) has to sit in a corner with his face pressed against the wall when a storm comes, poor baby, it must feel awful to be so terrified, oh wait, i was. I catastrophise. If my literary genious reads this, could you let me know if that is a word?

Planning a slumber party with my girls.....Inga thinks we are crazy, well at least 2 of us are on various levels.  I will save this for another blog ( slumber party and degrees of crazy).


  1. You asked and as I have the memory of an elephant RBLM thinks anyway, we were never left on big boat without the parents. We just were naughty with them on it. I think we used to go have parties on the boat while it was docked in the jetty. And was the time that Louise broke the only toilet on the boat. It did get stuck on the sandbank and we slept all night on an angle. Catastrophise is a word and if in doubt ever just Google it. I like blogs full of all different info too to read. My reference to Tuesday's blog was that so many people log on to Facebook and don't make comments, don't say what they are doing which makes for boring FB but when you are online you can see all of those that are offline that don't want to be seen to be online. GOT IT or what? Keep me posted re:Thursday RBLM has been put on pick up notice.

  2. Hahaha!
    Bring on a slumber party, orright.
