Monday, October 24, 2011


What ever happened to Fags, you know the fake cigarettes we bought in the lolly shop as kids, they even had a red tip so it looked like they were alight.  Political corectness happened and they are now known as Fads. I should sue the Fags company for turning me into a smoker, no really it was peer pressure combined with the fact my mother smoked and i could steal them off her without knowing.  Besides, it was cool to smoke in the 80's.

This blog came to mind after my previous mention of cheap duty free smokes. I had planned to quit when the carton was finished.  Its finished.  I am still smoking.

I was at a party and a lady had an electronic cigarette.  She offered me a drag.  I put my VB down and accepted the offer (i had zambucca, but VB sounds more bogan to go with the drag comment).  It was hard plastic and when you dragged on it the end lit up light a christmas light.  You could even blow out smoke (apparently it is vapour).  I was excited, an alternative to actual cigarettes without quitting.  I even think non smokers would give these a crack.

I am talking about quitting because i said that October was quit month.  Now there is only 6 days to go and i am having anxiety attacks over the whole quit deal.  My plan is to have hypnosis, i need an instant fix so i dont kill my family.  I wondered if you could get hypnotised into believing all kinds of other stuff, i thought i might like to be an olympic hurdler.


  1. Download an app for hypnotising you not to smoke they have all sorts. I went when we were at Uni as I used to forget all the study I had done (could not have been the dope, I was not smoking it yet) was definitely anxiety. worked a treat.

  2. oh sweet woman. you just make me laugh.
