Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Vegas Baby: Part 3

So Friday morning has arrived, i am without hangover, no one is anywhere to be found, they all have hangovers from Margaritaville the night before.  Elvis and I decide to make the trek to Southpoint Casino to see the Highrollers reining classic.  This casino has an arena in it, for horses, excellent casino option.  Also the Boot Barn is down that way somewhere. 

Yventka our Bulgarian cabbie, and we know she is Bulgarian because the 15 minute drive was a history lesson on Bulgaria, i lost interest after about the third word and found myself saying "oh yeah" , "wow" alot.  I didnt care, i just wanted to see horses and buy boots.  The fare came to $14.00 i gave her $50 and told her to take out $16.  Makes sense?  No.  She gave me $16 change.  So when i explained i needed $34 change, she gave me the $50 back, locked the doors and said "now pay me".  We were a little anxious at the door lock deal, all the cabs do this, one guy said it is done not because they are afraid we will jump the cab, but so we dont get car jacked. Nice.  Anyway Yventka (cab 661) I remembered this partly because i had written it in my journal and at the time i had put it into my phone in case i needed to send an emergency message to a hungover team member to let them know we were far south from the strip and had been hijacked by a Bulgarian cabbie called Yventka, she was not going to let us out until we paid the extra dollar she had demanded...had to pay taxes you know...big deal, so do we ! So we paid the extra dollar (made a $3 tip) and she released us. Thank goodness.  Off to the show.

Head through the casino, this one must be one of the originals, really old and the waitresses werent as glamourous as Aria waitresses, they were the economy type waitresses, not so attractive, larger in stature, but in very small outfits, knickers almost G string size.  I guess this would interest some?

On our way in, and this could only happen to Elvis, we are hit by timeshare, 15 minutes of trying to get away from her, we were through.  We hadnt booked a seat on the bus she tried to get us onto, and hadnt bought a hotel.  Excellent.

Reining was great, Elvis and I were experts very quickly.  Pink lemonade was shit.  No bubbles and about 2 litres of it (this was the smallest they sold).  I had intended to take loads of pics, suddenly 4 years at Uni had completely evaporated from my brain and i didnt get one decent pic of a horse. 

Next stop boot barn. Our next cabbie did not hold us hostage and even thanks us for our generous tip.  We gave $5 i think this time to avoid a hostage/drag to the dessert/tear our limbs off type ordeal. Phew.

The boot barn was fantastic.  I had $400 to spend of my birthday money from my very special friends (special: great, not special: challenged).  I found the perfect pair of ostrich leather boots and had some change (not much).  We need one of these in Bris Vegas.

The team members had surfaced by now and were meeting us at the Outlet centre across the road.  Crossing the road is so difficult in Vegas, the streets are 10 lanes wide and the stop/go sign counts you down in seconds, if you miss it, you wait for ages to get across, it is very stressful. 

More shopping.  Drop off shopping back at hotel.  Meet at Bar.  Seems to be the regular routine.  Tonight we needed steak, so what better place than the Outback Steakhouse.  It is an Australian themed restaurant.  Excellent.  There were kangaroos on the walls, giant sized didgeradoos and giant beers; in steins.  Dont they drink steins in Germany, you now Octoberfest?  I am confused.  So we order a steak, the salad comes first, they wait for you to finish your salad, needless to say we told them this is not how it works in Australia and asked why they did that in an Australian themed restaurant.  The chips (fries) in the states are awesome...i dont know why but they were.  The steak was great but it was coated in something spicy.  Everything is spicy except for their chilli....WTF...if you order a chilli dog, it is not hot at all, but if you order a rib eye, it is chilli. 

So our hungover team members seem to be seated at one table, they are drinking coke, we are back on the booze (i am squeaky clean remember), ready to party.  While i cannot get anyone in the party mood, we separate after dinner.  Elvis, Chawaiin (shes not a hooker) and myself hit the strip again, walking, walking, walking.  Despite the amount of food and alcohol we consumed, i actually lost weight.  Excalibur, New York and some others which names escape me were the casinos we visited tonight. I bought i giant red slushy from excalibur in a shiny red glass and it took me at least 3 casinos to finish it....pissed. Diaquiris are everywhere in Vegas, you can buy them from any casino, even on the street, there are slushy machines rolling around 24 hours a day, and they are potent. 

Minus 5 was  an ice bar we came across in one of the casinos.  Yes there is one in Sufferers Paradise, but when in Vegas...spend a shitload of money.  It cost about $16.24 with tax to get in, this gave you a parker, some gloves and a free shot of something (which tasted great).  Then you could buy drinks which were served in a cup made of ice, have your photos taken, exit after 15 minutes because you have an earache, buy the photos and a tshirt.  This 15 minutes cost us about $160.  It was fun. And from then on everyone told us there was one in Sufferers Paradise.  Well i am not there am I?  Plus i am pretty sure they dont serve Red Bull and three other colours in an ice cup....do they?

Back to Aria and we find Mr and Mrs Scotch and Coke....actually the wedding is tomorrow, so it is Ms Scotch and Coke.  They are winning big on the pokies (and of course abusing the free drink privalege).  Time to party. Mr and Ms S&C should be given a trophy for their party efforts while we were on tour.

Now the wedding is tomorrow, everyone else has gone home to rest up for the big day.  After putting a huge amount of money in the pokies and drinking about a million vodka red bulls, losing at Blackjack and finally kissing the dice and throwing them down the craps table...we load into a stretch limo (how else do you travel in vegas, and great news Yventka was not driving) and ask them to take us to the best strip club in town. 

Sapphires apparently.

After we have had a metal detector laid all over us by some massive security guards, and i am sure we were in some seedy part of Vegas, none of us paid attention during the trip, paid $30 to get in and bought a round of drinks which cost the price of feeding a small family...this was it...a real life Orgy.  OMG there was 2 topless girls to every person in there.  And who hooks onto me, some 50 something freaky woman carrying a full bottle of cognac,  is whispering something into my ear, only to deciphor that she "wants to hear me speak" ... Elvis is accosted at the bar when he goes to buy a drink, we decide to keep our backs to the wall and do not separate !

Ms S&C offers to purchase a lap dance for her soon to be Mr, he gets scared, Ms gets boobs in the face.  Ms tries to scale the pole dancing stage and security are zeroing in on us, time to leave. 

Cafe for breaky and i order chicken wings, not mention of chilli.  They arrive and the fumes make my eyes water.  Really...is it necessary to make everything so dang (thats american slang...lol) hot !!

5.19 am and we are off to bed.  Looking forward to the wedding.  Not looking forward to the effects of the night when the not hungover are making the wake up call at 8am.


  1. Laugh Out Loud. Backs to the wall. Never ever been in a strip club don't think I ever will. Prudish, I am for sure. Vegas Baby may just be too much for me, your thoughts?

  2. nothing like a Vegas strip club Im sure!! must visit.
    and the cabbie... hilarious!
