Friday, October 28, 2011

Tears at the Nail Salon

Amazing Nails.  This is the name of the salon near my work, they are by no means amazing, it would be amazing if they could actually send you out happy with the job they had done. You know the ones, they are in every shopping centre, you can also get pedicures done in a massage chair and have your feet sanded to within an inch of their life and if you are lucky you might even go home with some fungal situation.  They were featured on today tonight or some show like that the other week, woman had these festy hands and feet post salon visit.  I figured it wont happen to me, and this one is really close to work, very convenient.

I have had so many comments lately "omg you have nails", yes, dont we all?  This reference is made due to the fact that i am not a 'girly girl'.  I think i was at some stage in my life, absolutely i was.  Now i tend to wear either jeans and jimboots or my backyard garden/horse clothes and boots.  I do however like the shock factor i induce when i put on a dress and some makeup, yes i can be bothered to make the effort...not often, but i do. 

Anywho, i went to have my nails 'filled' today in my lunch break.  This is about my 5th visit to this particular salon, and they manage to fuck it up everytime.  Not only do they not speak any english when speaking amongst themselves, so i always think they are talking about me, but when they do speak to you, it is muffled by a triple layer mask (they dont want to inhale the fungal spores floating through the air), but the english is also very poor, i just nod most of the time.  

My previous 4 visits i have kept my mouth shut, head back to work, pull the nail file out of my desk and fix my nails myself.  Today i decided to let them know how i wanted it done. "please dont take any length off and keep the shape i have now" so when she starts to file one hand down short and change the shape i ask her nicely to stop.  When she continues a little later in the process i tell her to leave it as is, no really, leave them (yes i had to say this twice). 

Now i have a right hand with very short nails which all point in the wrong direction, making me look like i have some digit deformity, and a right hand which after i told her to leave it, she did, this hand looks quite nice.  When the eftpos machine would not work when i went to pay, i had to go to a machine in the mall, as i walked out to do this i burst into tears.....really, i dont know if it was because i had to pay an extra $2 to use the atm, or that fact that they had once again fucked up my nails.  I bet they are friends with the hairdresser who fucked my fringe up....its a conspiracy.


  1. Girlfriend you should know better. They were saying lets between each other "Lets fuck up Princesses nails and see if she cries" At my local I used to be the interpreter, when someone walked in she would yell out "Choose a colour" straight off and scare the shit out of the woman and then I would have to step in a interpreter and say in my best English "she wants you to C h o o s e a c o l o u r" Funny thing is when I am on a diet I grow my nails. You'd think I'd be so damn hungry I chew em off alas they are long . P.S I only wirte comments cause I love collecting the word verification words x x x x x k

  2. 'I have psoriasis'. that's my excuse for shit nails. x

  3. Why is there not a comment and your comment section in our blogs. Try trying to convince a Doctor in a Psych hospital that you DONT have Bi-polar. Drugs, I have plenty.... But if you need a good Psych or Doctor I am certainly your girl for answers. Do not, I repeat do not waste your time on bullshit Natural therapies (though I love most natural therapies) go the big guns and get perscription drugs Simone Russell
