Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Those are the days of our lives

Lots of things buzzing around in my head today. Delayed and altered by the fact my blogger keeps deleting my blog and this is the third time i have written it.  The first one was so freaking funny.  Trust me.

For those of you not fortunate enough to work for the Dept of Education, i am on Natt Leave, this is non attendance time.  At Tafe we like to call it Not Leave.  I have never worked on my Natt leave, if my boss is reading this, i have made it all up for the sake of writing a blog. I am deep in preparation for next semester.

So far i have stayed in bed until 9 and watched morning television. I say that like i have been doing it for weeks, it is only Wednesday.  Today i bought a funeral plan for two which came with a magazine subscription.  Except when i did it online, because i dont like to talk on the phone anymore, i didnt have the option of a subscription.  I have emailed a complaint which required me to leave my contact number.  I hope they dont call.

I need to let you all know that i have also recently increased Mr J life insurance.  After the stabbing incident (and a hundred other things) i thought it might be time to seriously think about how we could live without him.  With our life insurance and funeral plan sorted, should either of us go all Baden Clay on each other, it is purely coincidence.  You need to know this in case you are called in for questioning by the police. Also i still have the script for his epi-pen in my diary, i promised him i would get this sorted for him, that i also do love him and that its not a lack of interest in purchasing this life saving device.

I have also compiled a new list on my phone for my not leave.

The cross indicates completion of a list item. Super effort i know.

I have lost my gym mojo.  My friend reminded my that Biggest Loser is finished.  This is true.  I used to join the gym only when Biggest Loser was on.  You can ask my old gym.  You cant really, it has closed down.  I was just saying. I have gone all Master Chef now.  Monday night i cooked a Jamie Oliver deal from the 30 minute cookbook, the mini one which came with the paper.  While it took about 45 stressful minutes of cooking three things at once, it was awesome. I am going to get the cook book for sure so i can try some others. Yesterday i spent most part of the day preparing arancini, after googling 'mince recipes' three from three family members asked what they were.  Understandable they looked like giant deep fried ice cream.  Master E put so much BBQ sauce on it, thank goodness it was not ice cream.  Today we are having steak, mainly because i hadnt selected a recipe by the morning and should i need anything i cant get it because Master J has my car.  Yes the car he said he would never drive once he got his licence. 

It is now 1.57pm and i am still sitting in front of the television.  With a cat on my lap and a laptop.  I am not the only one, my cousin posted a pic on facebook with her cat in a sling around her neck, just so she can go hands free at her desk, like a baby sling. Why didnt i think of that?

I will be the crazy cat lady.  Wait.  I am the crazy cat lady, its just my numbers are down at the moment.  I am working on this but Mr J has cut me off.

The last time i watched days of our lives was probably 15 years ago.  Beau and Hope have not changed.  I chose the heading for this blog before the show came on too.  Weird.


  1. I laughed really hard about the cat sling. Perfect. Get the epi-pen sorted cause if I hear you have started a new hobby and it involved smoking out some bees, I am all Baden Clay over it. We need Joe I bought him cans of Mid Strength even when RBLM said no-one drinks out of cans and I am all like "Joe does" I know this cause I half sculled his can when I thought it was coke while still half drunk in the middle of the night/morning and trying to avoid a hangover!! Good thing you are blogging and by the way for some people M.E. that is THEIR job. So today you went to work. I like it a lot.

    I am trying to talk RBLM into a double plot purchase at Allambee Gardens perhaps I could gift him it for his birthday next year.

  2. I both love this blog, and the above comment, Fruitcake.
